Spring Gnocchi with Mint & Pea Pesto Sauce

Spring Gnocchi.JPG

Spring is here and it has us craving all of the fresh and vibrant flavours of this sunny season! This pillowy, soft cauliflower gnocchi is pan-fried until crispy and is served with sweet sugar snap peas, asparagus and a creamy mint, pea + pesto sauce that is sure to knock your socks off! Enjoy this healthy, lighter version that still leaves you with a ‘spring’ in your step!

Serves 4



1 cauliflower

1 cup almond meal

½ cup tapioca flour, divided

2/3 cup nutritional yeast

1 tbsp. psyllium husk

1 tsp. salt

2 tbsp. olive oil, for frying


Spring Pesto Sauce

1/3 cup roasted cashews

1/3 cup nutritional yeast flakes

¼ cup olive oil

1 tablespoon lemon juice (approx. half a lemon)

1 garlic clove

½ cup mint leaves & stems, roughly chopped

½ cup basil leaves & stems, roughly chopped

¼ cup green peas, (pour boiling water over them in a bowl and leave for 3 minutes, before draining)

Salt and pepper

1 cup coconut milk (full cream – brands Ayam & TCC are recommended)

1 bunch asparagus, trimmed & cut into thirds

200g sugar snap peas, tops & strings removed


1.     For the pesto, place the cashews, nutritional yeast, olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, mint, basil, drained green peas and salt and pepper into a coffee grinder or small food processor. Blend until smooth. (Note: When using a small coffee grinder, I sometimes add only half of the herbs first and blend before adding the rest – they don’t always fit in until the rest has broken down into a paste). Set the pesto aside.

2.     To make the gnocchi, cut the cauliflower into small florets and slice the stalk into pieces. Steam for about 10-12 minutes or until tender enough for a fork to easily pierce through the florets.

3.     Add the almond meal, ¼ cup tapioca flour (save the rest), nutritional yeast, psyllium husk and salt to a large bowl and set aside.

4.     When it is ready, add the steamed cauliflower to a food processor and process until everything is very finely chopped, but not mushy.

5.     Add the cauliflower mixture to the large bowl with the rest of the ingredients and stir until well combined.  Divide the mixture into about 6 portions.

6.     Line a baking tray with baking paper and dust the bench with some of the remaining tapioca flour (keeping some for the other batches). Place one portion of the mixture on the flour. Dust the top with a little more tapioca flour and use your hands to carefully roll it into a log (this is easier when the mixture is cooled but will work when hot if you are gentle).

7.     Cut the log into pieces about 2cm wide and carefully place the pieces onto the lined baking tray. Continue until all of the mixture has been used.

8.     Heat the olive oil in a large, non-stick frying pan over medium-high heat. Once hot, add the gnocchi in batches, ensuring it touches oil on the underside and ensuring you do not crowd the pieces together in the pan. Cook for a couple of minutes or until golden brown and crispy before flipping the gnocchi and cooking the other side. Remove from the pan and set aside while you cook the remaining batches. Repeat until all gnocchi has been pan-fried. I like to put the gnocchi straight onto the serving plates and then into an oven on a low temperature to keep it warm while I make the sauce.

9.     Meanwhile (or afterwards), heat a large frying pan with high sides (or a large saucepan) over medium heat. Add the coconut milk and pesto and stir to combine. Allow to simmer for about 1 minute. Add the asparagus and sugar snap peas to the pan and allow to cook for another 2 minutes. Taste and adjust the seasoning if needed. Remove from the heat and spoon the pesto sauce and vegetables over the gnocchi. Garnish with additional basil & mint leaves or cashews, if desired. Serve hot and enjoy!


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